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5 big trends that eCommerce will present in Mexico in 2020

Verfasst: Montag 27. November 2023, 05:55
von janvi24
Until recently it was very difficult to find certain products in the different physical stores that we had at our disposal, but with new technologies and the arrival of the internet many barriers have been removed and it only takes a few clicks to buy anything available anywhere. part of the world. In Mexico, eCommerce has permeated half of the population Although there is still some reluctance in Mexico, eCommerce has achieved great growth in recent months. For example, in 2017 only 7% of the population used electronic commerce on a weekly basis, a percentage that managed to increase to 38% in 2018. 38% of Mexican online consumers purchase a product or service weekly The arrival of smartphones has largely led to this takeoff and the acquisition of products and services online is diversifying in the country. This growth is estimated to be exponential from now on, and it is expected that by the end of 2020 in Mexico, eCommerce will reach 12.1%.

On the other hand, Statista revealed that half of the population, that is, 64.66 million Mexicans, made online purchases during 2019, while the expectation is that by 2024 this figure will rise to 81.4 million, that is, six out of every 10 Mexicans . eCommerce trends in 2020 The growth of eCommerce in Mexico has also meant that more businesses have an online presence every day, not only as a channel to inform but to make sales. Smart Insights estimates Email Marketing List that electronic commerce will represent 16% of the transactions carried out by 2020, while Finances Online estimates that this year eCommerce will achieve global profits of 4.2 billion dollars, in which Mexico will have a lot to do with, and will raise around 10 billion dollars. The big eCommerce trends in 2020 will be: 1. Bet on the visual Not only have social networks focused more on the visual part of their messages, Mexican companies must also opt for a design in which the visual manages to capture the attention of their potential clients.


The recommendation is to use 360 ​​photographs, and you should not forget the boost that augmented reality will have this year, which allows users to see every detail of the products, and together, adapt your communications to dissemination on networks with a 5G scheme. . Social media images: what sizes and formats you should use in 2020 2. Interaction will be the key It is not enough to give details about your products and services and hope that it reaches and conquers your target audience, you must make them feel safe and take into account the opinion of your viewers , and for this, interaction will be a crucial factor in providing excellent service. 3. Do not cease efforts to increase security It is true that trust in eCommerce has grown in our country in recent months, however, a good online store must always adhere to high security standards to protect its customers, and that they are sure at all times that their information confidential will not be leaked on the internet.

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Verfasst: Freitag 9. Februar 2024, 20:21
von FrankJScott
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