How to unlock PPSh-41 SMG in Black Ops 6 and Warzone

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How to unlock PPSh-41 SMG in Black Ops 6 and Warzone

Beitragvon Jimekalmiya » Freitag 24. Januar 2025, 04:15

The Black Ops 6 and Warzone continues to evolve with the addition of PPSh-41 sub machine gun. The weapon boasts an incredibly fast fire rate that makes short work of enemies at close range. However, like many other weapons, the PPSh-41 is locked by default, meaning it can’t be used immediately.

The only way to get the PPSh-41 is by earning the Page 6 HVT tier reward of the Black Ops 6 and Warzone Season 2 battle pass. Thankfully, it’s a free-to-unlock weapon, which means don’t have to purchase the premium variant of the battle pass.

However, as always, you will need to accumulate a ton of XP to reach its sector which inarguably takes a lot of time. To level up fast, you should focus on finishing daily and weekly challenges, join events where you earn double XP and play game modes that focus on objectives. This will help you gain a lot of XP quickly.

The PPSh-41 is an automatic weapon that fires really fast which makes it ideal for close-range battles. However, it has some downsides as well. The weapon boasts extreme kick which means you must fire short bursts to hit your targets consistently.

Each PPSh-41 gun brings a 32-round magazine and you can add more mags for prolonged battle time. To stay carried in battle, get extra ammo with the Extended Mag, use an Assault Pack or grab the Scavenger perk to pick up more ammo.

With the new SMG, you can add up to eight different attachments, like various sight options, muzzle modifications, and barrel upgrades, giving you many ways to personalize your setup.

While the SMG is great for close combat, its recoil makes it harder to control at longer distances. If you aim down sights, make sure to fire in quick bursts to manage the recoil. Its fast shooting speed is excellent for fast-paced fights, but if you don’t want to aim, you can rely on hip firing.

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Beiträge: 2309
Registriert: Samstag 22. Februar 2025, 11:58

Re: How to unlock PPSh-41 SMG in Black Ops 6 and Warzone

Beitragvon xyle » Sonntag 23. Februar 2025, 20:15

Beiträge: 2309
Registriert: Samstag 22. Februar 2025, 11:58

Re: How to unlock PPSh-41 SMG in Black Ops 6 and Warzone

Beitragvon xyle » Sonntag 2. März 2025, 19:42


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